1st International Conference on Humanities - 2012 “The Spiritual Quests”

The opening ceremony of the conference took place in Sheraton Tirana Hotel with the participation of the Speaker of the Albanian Parliament Jesefina Topalli, leaders of major religions in Albania, representatives of foreign missions, experts, academicians and educators.
Being the first of its kind in Albania, the conference attracted academicians from 12 different countries of the world such as the USA, U.K., Italy, France, Kosovo, Macedonia, Albania, Turkey, Malaysia, Romania, Austria and Nigeria. During the conference, 55 academicians and experts from 15 different universities presented 50 presentations on the spiritual quest in contemporary humanities disciplines.
2nd International Conference on Humanities - 2013
The concept of crisis has become one of the most commonly referred concepts of modern times. It is as if we don’t miss a day without a crisis. Every day, a great part of the news reports are filled up by the reports of global economic crisis, environmental crises, international crises, humanitarian crises, political crises, social crises, family crises, psychological crises and so on. What are the common causes and features of crisis conditions? How do we prevent crises or how do we manage a crisis condition if we are experiencing one already? Such are some of the questions humanities disciplines have been searching for answers for so long. Spirituality is an important part of human experience and certainly has things to say on crisis conditions as well. II. International Conference on Humanities titled “Crises and Spirituality” will be discussing the issue with all its aspects.
3rd International Conference on Humanities - 2014

The 6th International Conference on Human Sciences - 2019

The Faculty of Humanities at University College Bedër held the 6th International Conference on Human Sciences on the topic: "Gender Studies, Law, Media and Society". The conference also brought together academics, researchers, experts and professionals from different fields this year, sharing their experiences and research findings. The conference's papers focused mainly on the role of law, media and society on gender equality.
In the opening speech, Dean of the Faculty of Human Sciences, Prof. Assoc. Dr. Rrahim Ombashi, welcomed and congratulated the guests and conference participants. Further, in his speech, he emphasized the importance of women in Albanian society, as well as its role in our history and tradition.
While the Commissioner for Protection from Discrimination, Dr. Robert Gajda, touched on gender issues and aspects. He emphasized the importance of the law on these issues, seeing it not only as a compulsion but also as a living culture. He further stated that the law is good but there are some problems in implementation.
The conference was also welcomed by the Ombudsman's Adviser, Jorida Rustemi. She emphasized the role of the media as a whole and social media in particular in gender education. Mrs. Rustemi said social media prevails in the formation or education of young people and these conferences are of great importance in social studies. Further, she touched on gender issues in appointments of posts and professions.
While Prof. Dr. Ayhan Tekines, who came from Vienna specifically for the Conference, described two key concepts related to gender: security and discrimination. According to Prof. Tekines, discrimination has diverted people's attention from security, becoming the biggest victim of it. Further on, he talked about the connection between identity, security and discrimination.
On the other hand, Prof. Dr. Gjergj Sinani lectured on freedom of the press and his role in democracy. He also dealt with the role of the press in dictatorial systems, bringing an interesting approach.
After the opening session where a number of personalities in the academic field, the media field and beyond were present, the conference held its works in several other sessions.